Thursday, March 23, 2017

Only child

For the first time in her life, Cali is an only cat.

And she loves it.

a calico cat exposing her belly to the camera

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Saying Goodbye

We knew when we took PeeWee in that we wouldn't have him for long. There's that whole 'hospice' part of hospice fostering, yano?

an orange tabby cat wearing a bow tie

But we were lucky enough to have him in our lives for a little over a year. And we'll have him in our hearts forever.

Some mornings I would wake up with PeeWee purring against my back and Starbuck curled up behind my legs as the wind chimes gentled tinkled outside and, for a few moments, everything was right with the world.

I'm going to miss this sweet boy more than words can say. He deserved a long life with healthy sinuses and robust kidneys. We tried to give him the best life possible with the chronic sinusitis and CKD he was handed instead.

an orange tabby cat

Rest in peace, dear boy.