Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saving lives, one snip at a time

Quick - guess how many animals are euthanized each year in the United States.


2.7 million. Yes, each year nearly 3 million cats and dogs lose their lives because of pet overpopulation. For perspective, that's the population of Chicago. It's twice that of San Diego.


Each. Year.

Here's an easy one - what is the single most effective way to reduce that number?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mike Wazowski!

On an uncharacteristically warm day in the winter of 2006, I was playing with my 18-month-old in the little grassy space in the middle of our cul-de-sac. This area held a wooden gazebo thing that had some ornamental grasses growing along one side. On this day, our little hangout also held a cat.

We couldn't see this cat. But oh, could we hear him! "Meow...meOW...MEEOW...murrROWWW!"

Finally managing to catch a glimpse of the purveyor of this fine feline vocal artistry, we discovered that it was an orange tabby that appeared to be blind in one eye. He was clearly wary of humans, so we gave him his space, but he continued to serenade us over the next few afternoons.

a nervous-acting orange tabby cat

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Shelter Cat of the Month

Well, it's only the second month and I'm already cheating. It's just so difficult to pick one! Perhaps I should move this to weekly...

Anyway, May is the month of the gray tabby here at K&B. The shelter cat(s) of the month are Blanket & Link.


UPDATE: Blanket now has her own Facebook page! Check out Blanket for your soul


This lovely old gal is looking for a home in which to spend her golden years. Adopting a senior cat can be very rewarding and it makes you an extra super hero in my eyes. 

a photo of a gray tabby cat looking into the camera