Friday, May 1, 2015

May Shelter Cat of the Month

Well, it's only the second month and I'm already cheating. It's just so difficult to pick one! Perhaps I should move this to weekly...

Anyway, May is the month of the gray tabby here at K&B. The shelter cat(s) of the month are Blanket & Link.


UPDATE: Blanket now has her own Facebook page! Check out Blanket for your soul


This lovely old gal is looking for a home in which to spend her golden years. Adopting a senior cat can be very rewarding and it makes you an extra super hero in my eyes. 

a photo of a gray tabby cat looking into the camera

She had it pretty rough, but you'd never know that by her demeanor. She's affectionate and calm and she loves nothing more than getting some ear rubs on her way to nap in the sun.

Blanket can be found at Great Plains SPCA in Independence, Missouri. It's easy to overlook her because she's small and quiet, but if you take the time to check her out she'll make sure you don't regret it.



This big fella is overflowing with love. Like Blanket, he's quiet so he's easy to miss among the more outgoing kitties, but you won't find a more affectionate lap cat around.

a photo of a gray tabby cat looking into the camera

And just look at that face! How can you not love that leonine profile? 

While Link definitely enjoys his lap time, he still likes to explore and can often be found watching the goings on outside of the window. He isn't the biggest fan of other cats, though - he wants to be your one true companion.

Link can also be found at Great Plains SPCA in Independence, Missouri. He's just around five years old, so he has matured out of the kitten stage while still having plenty of years of life to him. Let's get him out of the shelter so he can enjoy them in a home!