Wednesday, November 30, 2016


That's how many subcutaneous injections of fluid Mike Wazowski has had. 2,195.

He has had 60 vitamin B injections.

He has taken countless pills and been subjected to dozens of baths.

It's been three years since we lost Boo and we almost lost Mike.

I can honestly say that we never expected him to last this long. We thought the sub-Q fluids and the steroids were going to give him a few more weeks, maybe even a couple of months. But then a year went by. And another. And yet another.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


I have so many things to be thankful for today and every day.

I am so very appreciative of Great Plains SPCA and similar organizations that provide shelter to homeless pets without the looming euthanasia deadline.

TNR is catching on, so we will eventually be able to bring feral cat populations under control.

In addition to the shelter aspect, I'm so very thankful for GPSPCA's Hero Team for providing education and resources to the families of at-risk pets so they don't become homeless in the first place.

I have unending gratitude for the opportunity to foster sweet PeeWee. He has brought so much love into our lives.

an orange tabby cat sleeping on a bed

And, of course, I am lucky to have an amazing, loving human, canine, and feline family to share my life with. Today and all days, I am most grateful for them.

a brown dog licking her face
a calico cat lying on a bed with an easter egg between her paws
an orange tabby cat lying with his head resting on the edge of a pet beda black dog holding a rawhide chew in her mouth

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Hanging by a thread

You know how in movies and TV shows, when an elevator is falling, there's always a couple of short falls and stops before the final long drop?

a stick figure drawing of a person in a falling elevator
I feel like that's where we're at with Mike Wazowski. For about a month, he was steady at a respectable weight. We thought "hey, maybe we've finally got all this feeding and medication stuff figured out!" We really should know better than to have thinks like that with this cat.

He bounced up and down for a few weeks, then abruptly plunged below 7 lbs and has stuck there for days. And so, barring a magical improvement, we're huddled on the elevator floor, waiting for the cable to snap and send us plummeting into the inevitable.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Our October SCotM, Litho, was adopted yesterday.

Even better, she was adopted by some friends of mine so I *still* get to see her.

Happy happy!

a gray tabby cat sitting in front of a bed

Friday, November 4, 2016

November Shelter Cat of the Month

She's soft and strokable:



UPDATE 3/23: Unfortunately, sweet Velvet is back in the shelter. We hope for the best, but a new home isn't always the right fit for our kitties.