Wednesday, November 30, 2016


That's how many subcutaneous injections of fluid Mike Wazowski has had. 2,195.

He has had 60 vitamin B injections.

He has taken countless pills and been subjected to dozens of baths.

It's been three years since we lost Boo and we almost lost Mike.

I can honestly say that we never expected him to last this long. We thought the sub-Q fluids and the steroids were going to give him a few more weeks, maybe even a couple of months. But then a year went by. And another. And yet another.

a mostly shaved orange tabby cat with his back to the camera
I don't think another Thanksgiving is in the cards for Mike. He is under 7 pounds and shows no signs of putting any weight back on. But he has surprised us before.

And even as tiny and blind and mostly deaf as he is, this guy still rules the roost. When he decides he wants to sleep in the dog bed we bought for Cosmo, he'll stand there and meow at her until she gets up and moves. When he wants to snuggle in bed with me, he'll meow next to the bed until I pick him up and put him in my lap. And if he wants to be on the bed itself, he'll crawl on Starbuck or PeeWee and they can either deal or move.

an orange tabby cat lying on a heating vent
He's been poked and prodded and scrubbed and brushed more than the other pets combined and he's going to get what he pleases, no matter what anyone else thinks. It's Mike Wazowski's world - he just lets us live in it.

an orange tabby cat curled up next to a large black dog