Sunday, June 28, 2015

When Positive Is Negative

Let's talk FIV.

First, the basics:

What it is - 
FIV is the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. It is currently incurable. It does weaken a cat's immune system so they are more susceptible to secondary infections.

What it's not - 
It's not "kitty AIDS." It's not transmissible to humans. And it's not transmissible from cat to cat with casual contact. In other words, your cat will not get FIV from sharing a litter box, food bowl, water source, or furniture with an FIV+ cat.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

World Pet Memorial Day (belated)

This was actually yesterday, but I spent the morning cleaning out an old swimming pool that had become my dogs' mud wrestling pit and the afternoon in an extended meeting at work, so...I will use today instead.

In Memory


a blue and white parakeet on a perch in a cage

For only being in our lives a couple of months in 2014, this sweet bird left a pretty big hole when she died. My son had planned for her for months - getting the cage and toys all set up, cleaning up his room - and he was dedicated to caring for her. 

She was rather shy around us, but we could often hear her chattering away at him while he played games in his room. He was working hard on perch training her and trying to get her to talk to him. She was fine when he went to sleep one night and extremely sick when he got up the next morning. She died hours later.

We'll never know what happened - budgies are such fragile creatures, it could have been anything. But the house was very quiet once she was gone.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

National Hug A Cat Day

My little tortie isn't so fond of hugs...

a tortie cat looking into the camera while being held

but she obliged me for a picture anyway.

This guy is getting hugs in his new home tonight.

Monday, June 1, 2015

June Shelter Cat of the Month

Because I'm such a cheater, I let my 10-year-old pick out this month's SCotM. Please keep sharing May's post, however, because both of those cats are still in the shelter *sad face.*

I heartily endorse my son's choice of Sofie as K&B's June Shelter Cat of the Month. She has a couple of strikes against her in the shelter:

  1. She is a black cat. For various reasons, black cats have trouble getting adopted.
  2. She's a bit shy. The noisy shelter environment makes her a bit nervous, so she isn't quite as outgoing as some of the other cats.

UPDATE 8/9: SOFIE HAS BEEN ADOPTED! YAY! She even got to go home with another cat from her colony, so that should help her adjust.