Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ain't no party like a Mike Wazowski party

Cuz a Mike Wazowski party don't stop.

And by "party," I mean "health issues."

We were heading out the door to go volunteer today and I noticed that Mike's leg was quite swollen. So we ended up at the vet instead.

an orange tabby with a swollen leg
(I know his head is blurry, but at least he was holding his legs still)

The positives: His eye is looking better, so the ointment is doing its job. And there are no broken bones in his foot or leg.

The not-so-positives: we don't know what's causing the swelling. Could be contaminated fluid causing an infection, so we tossed the rest of the fluid bag and doc gave him a shot of antibiotics. Could be that he got his leg caught somewhere and just walking around will help the swelling go down.

Or, it could be the early sign of a much worse problem.

We're hoping for one of the easy ones. But if there's no improvement in 48 hours, back we go.

an orange tabby's swollen foot