Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March Shelter Cat of the Month

This month's cat just passed a milestone we never like to see: Today is her 400th day in the shelter.


UPDATE 3/10: Happy, happy news - Finley was adopted yesterday!!!

A black and white cat lying in an elevated cat bed
Once again, we're focusing on a shy cat. The super social kitties don't really need the extra exposure, though. They take care of their own marketing.

And yes, you read that right, poor Finley has been in the shelter for 400 days. Over 1/4 of her life has been spent waiting for her forever home.  She likes to tuck herself under and behind the furniture in her colony so she feels safer, but this also means she's not as visible as the other cats, so she is often overlooked.

Finley was in foster for a while, and she tolerates other cats (though she doesn't become buddies) and dogs, as long as they give her space. She absolutely loves being petted. If you sit next to her and start rubbing her head, she will roll her whole body into your stroking.

a black and white cat looking at the camera

Just look at that sweet face with its fun bandit mask. You can follow Finley's adventures on Facebook or come on down to Great Plains and check her out in person. 

Be Finley's hero: adopt! donate! share!