Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Stardust Monster

"According to the law of the conservation of energy, not a bit of you is gone; you're just less orderly."
- Aaron Freeman, Eulogy from a Physicist 

 a one-eyed orange tabby cat looking at the camera

The energy that was Mike Wazowski joined Carrie Fisher in her journey through the stars. Yesterday was a very sad day for our house, but after 3+ years of fighting, Mr. Man is finally at rest.

an orange tabby cat sleeping on the carpet with a cable between his paws. The words 'hang in there' have been added to the photo.

The last month had been pretty rough for the Mike. He dropped under 7 lbs for the last time on November 17th. He lost over half a pound in the last ten days, which is a lot when you don't have it to lose. He was eating plenty, but his body wasn't working for him anymore. Some days he could barely walk.

two orange tabbies lying together in a pet bed

PeeWee took it upon himself to provide cuddle services over the last week.

two criss-crossed tabby cat tails

We will miss our Mister Kittyson, but we know we gave him the best life we could. He was loved well.

Beautiful journeys, stardust kitty.

an image of the Lawrence M Krauss quote about us all being stardust

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Fur Family Holiday

Mike's and Cali's stockings don't look nearly as exciting as the dogs'. I promise there's stuff in the cat stockings, too!

Mike Wazowski's polka dot stocking next to Cosmo's toy-stuffed red bone-shaped stocking Starbuck's green toy-stuffed stocking next to Cali's cat-face stocking

It's a good thing pets don't understand stockings. Or presents. Or Christmas, really. Because PeeWee's gift doesn't come close to fitting in his stocking.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Today is the day

The Cosmutt goes in for surgery to repair her torn CCL today.  It's always tough when a pet has to be hospitalized, even though we have a great vet.

UPDATE 12:40 PM: 
Cosmo is out of surgery. Doc said the implant went well, they got all of the pieces of the torn tissue cleaned out of the joint, and that she didn't have a meniscus injury.

She stays overnight at the vet and then we bring her home for a loooong twelve week recovery process before she can slowly start doing her normal stuff again.

Even with a torn ligament, this dog wanted to play every morning. It's gonna be rough on her.

UPDATE 12/22 8:15 AM:
Our regular vet called this morning after he checked on Cozzie. He said she's doing really well - her incision looks good and she doesn't have a fever. We should be able to bring her home this afternoon. Yay!

UPDATE 12/22 4:30 PM:
COSMO IS HOME!!!! Pics below the cut...

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Our sweet 2016 Boo Buddy is still patiently waiting for his furever home.

Though we've taken care of his adoption fee, it would be extra super if you would consider donating that amount to the shelter. Plus, through the end of December, donations are matched so you'll be helping twice as many pets with the same amount of money. All the wins!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Triple the fun

I've been to the vet each day for the past three days.

Cosmo developed a limp just before Thanksgiving. She was getting better, but then she just...plateaued. Got her checked on Tuesday and took her back for x-rays today. Turns out the poor pup has a torn ACL, so she goes in for surgery next week.

PeeWee the snot master had an appointment sandwiched in on Wednesday. More antibiotics for him, plus his kidney values were off, so he gets to go on K/D food now.

The joys of a fur family.

Monday, December 5, 2016

December Shelter Cat of the Month

He's a hunk-a, hunk-a burnin' love:


a black cat reaching toward the camera

He's a lover not a fighter:

Rocky Balboa

an orange tabby cat curled up in a person's lap

UPDATE: 1/1: These boys have been transferred to GPSPCA's Merriam location. Hopefully new eyes will mean a new home.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Boo Buddies

Each year around Thanksgiving we sponsor the adoption fee of an FIV+ cat (preferably a black one) in honor of our beloved FIVver, Boo.

a black cat looking at the camera