Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Today is the day

The Cosmutt goes in for surgery to repair her torn CCL today.  It's always tough when a pet has to be hospitalized, even though we have a great vet.

UPDATE 12:40 PM: 
Cosmo is out of surgery. Doc said the implant went well, they got all of the pieces of the torn tissue cleaned out of the joint, and that she didn't have a meniscus injury.

She stays overnight at the vet and then we bring her home for a loooong twelve week recovery process before she can slowly start doing her normal stuff again.

Even with a torn ligament, this dog wanted to play every morning. It's gonna be rough on her.

UPDATE 12/22 8:15 AM:
Our regular vet called this morning after he checked on Cozzie. He said she's doing really well - her incision looks good and she doesn't have a fever. We should be able to bring her home this afternoon. Yay!

UPDATE 12/22 4:30 PM:
COSMO IS HOME!!!! Pics below the cut...

a sad-looking brown dog in an e-collar
She's not a fan of the cone of shame

a long, stitched incision on a brown dog's knee
That's quite the incision!

a rear view of a brown dog sitting on the floor; there is a shaved patch on the lower back
Some random butt shaving. For the epidural? Monitoring vitals? New hairstyle?

a brown dog in an e-collar sitting on carpet
It's good to be home!

a sleeping brown dog in an e-collar
Finally getting some sleep. Zzzzz.....