Thursday, December 15, 2016

Triple the fun

I've been to the vet each day for the past three days.

Cosmo developed a limp just before Thanksgiving. She was getting better, but then she just...plateaued. Got her checked on Tuesday and took her back for x-rays today. Turns out the poor pup has a torn ACL, so she goes in for surgery next week.

PeeWee the snot master had an appointment sandwiched in on Wednesday. More antibiotics for him, plus his kidney values were off, so he gets to go on K/D food now.

The joys of a fur family.

However, I cannot say enough positive things about our vets, both our personal vet and the shelter vet. Dr. Taylor is a rock star. Seriously. The sheer amount of pets she treats, the number of procedures she just doesn't seem humanly possible. And she does it all with good humor and kindness toward animals AND people. I'm not ruling out that she's an alien from a planet far better than our own.

As for our personal vet, well, the doctors and staff at Blue Springs Animal Hospital continue to impress me with each new issue we face. They helped us work through Goofy's seizures and got him on a medicine that greatly reduced the number he suffered. They grieved with us when we lost Boo so suddenly. And they are properly appreciative of the Cosmohawk.

a brown dog looking just off camera

A couple of my friends recently moved and are currently struggling to find a new vet. Watching their process has made me appreciate the vet we use even more. I like him. I trust him. And I feel he truly cares about the health of our critters.

Keep our Cozziemutto in your thoughts as she goes under the knife next week. The girl has months of recovery ahead of her, but they are confident they can get her back on her feet.