Monday, April 13, 2015

All you need is love...

Sounds too simple to be true, right? Well it is, somewhat. I mean, obviously cats need shelter and food and clean water as well. But while they get all of that at the shelter (and as much love as we can give them), the difference a home makes is amazing.

two pictures of a fluffy tabby cat: the top is unhappy in a kennel, the bottom is happy on a bed

As I've mentioned before, cats in shelters are under constant stress. This can lead to behavioral issues as well as health problems (respiratory infections spread like wildfire!). Shelter staff and volunteers can only do so much; cats just aren't made to live in kennels.

The image above is from a post titled "29 Before And After Photos Show What Love Does To Cats" and the differences in these animals is striking. Truly, love can transform a cranky, sick shelter cat into a happy, healthy companion.