Sunday, April 5, 2015

Cali the Easter Kitty

No candy at our house today. The kid will eat a bit and then it will sit around for months, so we like to explore non-food alternatives for the Easter basket.

an Easter basket holding plastic eggs next to an Adventure Time puzzle

Yes, yes. I *am* the limerick master. How kind of you to notice. (What? you've never heard of an Easter limerick before?)

Cali has declared herself the official assistant to the Easter Bunny. She's aiming for a promotion by showing off her superior egg-hiding skills. Often Mr. Bunny himself can't find them when she's through.
a tortie cat lying on a bed with a blue and green egg between her paws

Though she did have an unfortunate run-in with the Easter basket, so it may be a while before she goes egg hunting again.