Sunday, September 20, 2015

Plan B

We had the day all planned out. Strutt with your Mutt in the morning, then spend a couple of hours with friends before stopping in at the Great Plains SPCA alumni celebration on the way home.

Mike Wazowski had other plans.

a one-eyed orange tabby cat looking at the camera

Other plans that included falling down in the kitchen yesterday and being unable to stand back up. Other plans that absolutely did not include eating anything at all. Other plans that left him unable to walk and not responding to petting or handling.

So I pulled him into my lap last night and dozed for a while sitting up. Then I lay down with him curled up against me, as is his habit, and my spouse watched over him while I managed a bit of sleep. Around 7 AM, we swapped. Honestly, I was surprised he made it through the night. 

an orange tabby cat looking out a windowThis morning he was more aware and we managed to get some food into him. He's wobbly, but able to walk around a bit. And he's drinking. So we'll see. But he's definitely not stable enough that I would be willing to leave him on his own while we took the dogs out for the day.

Keep my poor, sick, one-eyed old man in your thoughts if you would. There's really not much else we can do for him beyond the meds and fluids he's already getting. We know he's living on borrowed time, but we're still not ready for that time to be up.

UPDATE 9/22: Mike seems to be back to his old self. And he's eating more. A LOT more. My goal is to get this guy back up to 8 lbs if possible (he was 7 lb 5 oz at his last vet appt). Pack in those calories, kitty!