Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The Kibbles & Biscuits family has grown!

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that our first SCotM, PeeWee, had been returned to the shelter.

an orange tabby cat looking just off camera

PeeWee is an older fella and he has some health issues. He is prone to chronic URIs, so the shelter really isn't the best environment for him.

We put in a request to be considered for hospice foster should it be necessary in his case. We got the call on Monday morning; we had him out of the shelter before 3:00 in the afternoon.

a hand petting an orange tabby cat

He made himself right at home. He slept on the bed with me the first night, and he and the other critters are figuring things out. Starbuck has been pouting since he put her in her place, but there's been no major drama.

a sleeping orange tabby cat

We love this sweet guy and we're so pleased to have the opportunity to provide a home for him as long as he needs it.