Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Exciting times

We live in them!

First - Wesley was adopted this morning!

a black cat looking out a window

His adopter saw him on the Great Plains SPCA site and went to his foster home to meet him. She was able to interact with Wesley in a home environment and talk to his foster mom about his sinus issues. Wesley was able to stay in a comfortable, familiar place and avoid a stressful trip to the shelter. Winning all around!

In other exciting news, Garfunkel continues to make progress, becoming more brave every day.

a hand rubbing a black and white cat's head

It is so satisfying to experience firsts with shy cats. The first time they come to you, the first time they sit in your lap, the first time they purr and give you a head bump...it's extra special knowing how much more difficult it is for these kitties to trust. Garfunkel is full of exciting firsts, just waiting for the right adopter to come along.

While he waits, his foster mom is working with him each day, bringing him out of his shell and teaching him proper manners (like not using hands as toys). If you give him a chance, this sweet fella will prove that he's more than worth the effort.