Monday, March 7, 2016

Charting Progress

It's been just over three months since Mike started on mirtazapine. He put on a handful of ounces and seems to be pretty steadily staying between 7 lb 2 oz and 7 lb 4 oz. So the drug has helped some - he does eat noticeably more on days when he takes it - but it hasn't helped him pack on the weight like I had hoped.

a line graph charting Mike's weight for three months

He also seems to be completely blind now. His eye was picking up light and dark and big objects, at least, but now he's regularly running into stuff he used to navigate around. He evidently bumped his eye on something, because he has a bit of an infection. This means eye ointment 2x per day in addition to everything else. Joy.

an orange tabby wrapped in a towelAnd the vet called today with the results of his blood work. His potassium has been trending downward for a while, and it has finally fallen into the actionable zone, so he starts supplements when we go in for his eye recheck. And his red blood cell count isn't looking super either, so we may be adding yet one more thing.

With each additional intervention comes the "is it time?" check. The constant question of how much is too much. Should we just let him go?

He's still eating on his own. And he's still enjoying his time cuddling with me or sitting on my lap. So for now, we continue doing what needs to be done to keep him as healthy as we can.  It's a waiting game, I know, but we're trusting him to tell us when time is up.

In somewhat related news, I was cleaning out our spare room and ran across a container of Goofy's old pill bottles, waiting to have their labels removed. This is only a fraction of what we went through in the last few years of his life, so this cat ain't seen nothin' yet.

an Easter gift bag overflowing with empty pill bottles