Saturday, March 26, 2016

PeeWee's Big Adventure

No, not that one!

The other night, PeeWee was lying on the bed in a very Photoshoppable position.

an orange tabby cat lying with a front leg stretched out

So I decided to have a little fun with it (with my admittedly limited 'shopping skills using Paint.NET):

Twilight's Bella Swan digitally added to a photo of an orange tabby
Whisper sparkly nothings in my ear, PeeWee.
And a little more fun:

a purple & white cartoon skunk digitally added to a photo of an orange tabby cat
You smell better than my last boyfriend...
And then things just started getting out of hand:

the Hulk digitally added to a photo of an orange tabby cat
I'm always angry!

Freddie Mercury digitally added to a photo of an orange tabby cat
Can't anybody...find me....some kitty tooooo looooooove
PeeWee is one very popular cat!