Tuesday, May 10, 2016


In case you missed it, Ghost was adopted early this month. Yay!

So far we're doing pretty well, with five of our seven CotM kitties adopted so far. How can we have 7 cats of the month when it's only May? Um...I'm bad at math?

That's not true. I'm actually pretty awesome at math. But I'm bad at rules. Even ones I set for myself. So I cheat.

Hey, it's not my fault there are too many incredible cats needing homes to pick just twelve in a year!

Moving on...

a black cat sitting in front of a window

This gorgeous boy is still looking for his forever home. He currently has a roommate and they share space just fine, so Korath is likely to be able to live with other cats (with a proper introduction, of course). He even seems to be less irritated by dogs, though he still doesn't want to live with one.

a black and white cat getting his belly scratchedAnd this fella is getting braver by the day. Garfunkel's foster mom says that he's now willing to explore her house for short periods of time. He has even made it all the way downstairs into the living room! He's more confident in his interactions with other cats as well. The progress this guy has made really is incredible.

Garfunkel has also become quite loving with his foster mom; he thinks belly scratches are the cat's meow.

It would be awesome to go into June with a 100% success rate for our cats of the month. Share this post and let's get some new eyes on these kitties. I know they each have a perfect forever home just waiting for them out there. The trick is to make the connection.