Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Holding our breath

The last three weeks have seen us gradually relaxing, though we're still a bit on guard.

Around 11:30 PM on June 7th, Starbuck had a seizure. We think.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Korath has been adopted!

a gif of Kermit flailing his arms

While all of the humans were doing this

a gif of the Shake Shack in Grease

Korath was over there like "I wasn't even worried, yo."

a gif of a black cat filing its nails

Congratulations on your new kingdom!

a gif of a black cat giving a human a high-five

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Perfectly Normal

a brown-haired girl in a Skid Row t-shirt
me circa 1989
'Normal' has never been a word I've embraced. From my middle-school days as a straight-A nerd in heavy metal t-shirts to my love of power tools over flowers and jewelry, the word 'normal' has not been one that most would apply to my life. But when it comes to my animals' blood work, normal is exactly the word I want to hear.

We were surprised and pleased that as of his most recent tests, all of Mike's values are within normal ranges. It has been *years* since that has been the case. Though he has once again dropped some weight, he is still over 7 pounds and he seems to be more consistent. His day-to-day weight is staying in the 7 lb 5 oz  to 7 lb 6 oz range without the peaks and valleys we were seeing before.

I'm still not wearing makeup or painting my nails, and it's very unlikely you'll find me at a neighborhood Bunco party, but this consummate weirdo is finally learning to embrace normal. Within reason.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June Shelter Cat of the Month

He's built like a truck and noms down kibbles like a vacuum, but this cat is a love machine.
