Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June Shelter Cat of the Month

He's built like a truck and noms down kibbles like a vacuum, but this cat is a love machine.



It's no secret that we love our FIVvers here at K&B, and Peterbilt is no exception. He loves to get out of his kennel and stretch his legs. And his nose. He will seriously track down every stray kibble on the floor (and as we get more and more kittens, there are quite a few for him to find).

Though he's very treat-motivated, there's no need to bribe this cat for affection. Each person he meets his is new best friend. Handing him a toy filled with yummies is an added bonus.

Be Peterbilt's hero: adopt! donate! share!

In other CotM news: Korath has found his way to GPSPCA's Merriam campus in the hopes that he can get some new eyes on him and finally find his forever home. And Garfunkel is braving the shelter nowadays, so feel free to come by and visit him in his new colony!