Sunday, July 10, 2016

Hat Trick

It's been a little over three years since things went seriously wrong for Mike Wazowski. He spent Independence Day weekend in 2013 at the animal hospital on IV fluids. He was severely dehydrated and his sodium levels were through the roof. I think the vet said they were the third highest he had seen in an animal that survived. So.

a one-eyed orange tabby cat's face
The diagnosis was a brain tumor that was inhibiting Mike's ability to regulate his electrolytes. We came home with a prescription for Medrol to keep the tumor's growth under control. One pill every three days.

Now it's one pill each day. Along with the rest of the medicine cabinet

the text 'hang in there' over a photo of an orange tabby cat lying on the floor

If you had asked me a week or so ago whether he had another year in him, I would have said no. Now? It's a maybe. His health has definitely declined in the last few months. He's totally blind, so he bumps into stuff a lot. And he has dropped weight. But over the last few days he has rallied yet again.

And this is why it's so hard to make the call. I'm sure you're wondering why we do all of this to prolong the life of a clearly sick cat. But each time we think "this is it - this is the end," he bounces back. His bounces are not quite so high as they once were, but the old guy still wants to live. So he does. For a while longer. 

I'm not against euthanizing an animal. But I'm not willing to do it when it's for my convenience rather than to ease the animal's suffering. Until Mike makes it clear that he's done, we'll keep on keeping on.

an orange tabby cat with its head buried in a blanket