Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The great big world outside

a black pant leg covered in orange cat furPeeWee has chronic sinus issues, but I had noticed him getting stuffier and stuffier, so we made an appointment for him with the shelter vet.

He also doesn't do a whole lot of scratching, so we've had to start clipping his nails.  He is an incredibly chill cat, but he absolutely *hates* having his paws handled. It's pretty difficult to clip a cat's nails without handling their paws, so he's just not a fan of the process. As you can see by the amount of hair he left on my pants, this morning's session stressed him out just a tad.

Anyway, the shelter is 20-30 minutes away, depending on traffic. Since snuffles seemed less than thrilled to be in the carrier, we decided to let him out to roam the car for the trip.

PeeWee explored the backseat for a while, then decided he liked it better on my lap where he could watch the world go by.

an orange tabby cat looking out a car windshield
What's going on out there?

an orange tabby cat looking big-eyed off camera
Where are you taking me?!

an orange tabby cat looking out a car windshield
This is faster than I like to travel...
He ended up spending most of the drive by my feet. Of course, being a cat, he decided he *really* wanted to be under the driver's feet, but he didn't protest too much when I blocked him. All of the other critters got a piece of his mind when we got home, though.