Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Return of the Airplane Ear

Cosmo is finally e-collar free!

a brown dog looking at the camera

She got her stitches out yesterday. Doc said the incision healed very well and that everything inside the knee feels "wonderful." I like that word. Wonderful.

Oh, and we confirmed that the shaved patch on her back was for the epidural. Mystery solved!

a composite image of daily photos of the incision as it healed

Luckily for us, the weather has been rather mild since her surgery, so we were able to carry her down the front steps and take her out on the leash without much difficulty. Apparently Mother Nature took the removal of the stitches as a sign, because it snowed last night. Not a lot, but enough to make slipping and falling more of a concern.

Cosmo loves playing in the snow, so taking a walk in the white stuff this morning didn't bother her a bit. Everything was so quiet: ours were the only footprints on our street.

And on a rather bittersweet note, today is the first day in a very long time that I haven't had to give any of my animals a pill. Hopefully everyone stays healthy and not medicating any of them becomes the norm.