Saturday, July 15, 2017

Christmas in July

Miss Deana is currently at the shelter awaiting her spay surgery before she can be made available for adoption.

Enter Rudolph. (red nose, yeah?)

a photo of an orange tabby kitten

In the three weeks she was with us, Deana doubled in weight and went from a sicky baby to a healthy, active (VERY active) kitten.

two photos of a gray and white kitten taken three weeks apart

Other than the scrape on his nose, Rudolph is a healthy baby...but he is in serious need of socialization. Everything is so very frightening to this little guy. Let's hope a few weeks in our house allow him to see humans as a source of good stuff (food! affection! playtime! food!) rather than as big scary monsters (run! hide!).

Hopefully Rudolph will be brave enough to tackle the big weird chicken by the time he is ready to be adopted.