Thursday, May 19, 2016


We're taking a short break from school, so my computer has actually been turned off for days in a row. DAYS!

Last year the kid attended the Young Heroes Camp at Great Plains SPCA in Independence. He had a great time and learned cool stuff, even if he did opt out of witnessing the spay surgery.

This year we're going it alone and focusing on music all summer, so that should be...interesting.

BUT this is not a homeschooling blog. So on to the animals!

Gorgeous Korath is *still* waiting for his forever family. We had June's kitty picked out, but then she got adopted. So we picked another...and he got adopted as well. So clearly I will not be able to plan ahead for this whole cat of the month thing. It's a good problem to have!

The Ancient One is now on blood pressure meds. For those following along at home, that brings his daily med count to 5. F-I-V-E. With another two he takes on varying schedules. Since high blood pressure can cause blindness in cats, we were crossing our fingers that he might regain a bit of his sight once we started medicating him. But it's likely that his loss of vision is related more to his other health problems, so we weren't really surprised that the meds didn't result in improvement. He's going in for a recheck on Monday, so hopefully we'll find that his blood pressure is back in an acceptable range.

In other Mike news, he is managing to keep more weight on. It's rare he dips below 7.5 pounds now, generally hovering between 7lb 8oz and 7lb 10oz. Thought it's not as much as I'd hoped, that he has put on around 3/4 of a lb and kept it is encouraging.

Supercat (aka PeeWee) loves the variety of food available in the house. We regularly catch him snacking from the dog bowls.

an orange tabby with his front half in a dog bowl

He has also developed the habit of climbing under the covers with me. It's all cute and cuddly until the morning when the dogs decide the bed is a trampoline. Mr. Sneeze has yet to get trampled, but it's been a close thing a couple of times.

Last, but certainly not least, all donations to GPSPCA through the end of May are matched. Sweet, yeah? My friends over at the Cat in the Red Hat Society think #TeamCat is the way to go, naturally, but secretly they would even be okay with #TeamDog or #TeamBoth as long as the shelter is getting the money it needs to run its super awesome programs.

a photo collage of cats wearing red baseball caps