Monday, February 29, 2016

Garfunkel Biscuits

Look at this sweet boy making biscuits in the air (not air biscuits...totally different meaning). His foster mom said he was purring and purring while she took this video.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


The Kibbles & Biscuits family has grown!

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that our first SCotM, PeeWee, had been returned to the shelter.

an orange tabby cat looking just off camera

PeeWee is an older fella and he has some health issues. He is prone to chronic URIs, so the shelter really isn't the best environment for him.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Ups and Downs

We can't have the happy without the sad.

With Wesley getting adopted this week, Garfunkel making big strides in confidence, and fantastic updates from Blanket's adopters, it's been a time of big smiles.

Unfortunately, the balance of all of that glee has been our buddy PeeWee showing up at the shelter. PeeWee was K&B's very first SCotM back in April 2015. This sweet guy had been in the shelter since October 2014, and he was finally adopted on April 10th.

He came back in about a week ago as a stray. GPSPCA microchips all of the pets that come through, and they have records about who adopted which animal, so when one comes back as a stray they immediately contact the adopter. Clearly PeeWee's adopter didn't bother to come back for him.

He's still on a stray hold for a few days, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that his stay on the floor will be much shorter this time around.

an orange tabby cat licking his nose

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Exciting times

We live in them!

First - Wesley was adopted this morning!

a black cat looking out a window

His adopter saw him on the Great Plains SPCA site and went to his foster home to meet him. She was able to interact with Wesley in a home environment and talk to his foster mom about his sinus issues. Wesley was able to stay in a comfortable, familiar place and avoid a stressful trip to the shelter. Winning all around!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Quality of Life

When you have a terminally ill pet, discussions around 'quality of life' are fairly common. There is a balancing act each time a new intervention is considered. How much is too much? When are we being selfish?

Something not often discussed is the quality of life for the human caregivers. Before I say any more, let me be very clear that I am in no way suggesting that we should euthanize our pets when they become inconvenient. I am simply acknowledging that caring for a terminally ill animal takes a toll on people and relationships.

Monday, February 1, 2016

February Shelter Cat of the Month

This month is a little different. You see, I've never met either of these cats. They are being fostered by two different volunteers and are part of the shelter's Adoption Speedway program. This program trains foster parents to be able to adopt their charges directly out of their homes. This allows potential adopters to see the pets in a home environment where they are comfortable - super helpful for our more fearful kitties - and avoids a stressful trip to the shelter for the animals. It also gives the adopters access to the person who knows the most about the animal: their foster parent.