Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Shelter Cat of the Month

Whew! August was an extremely busy month for us. While we didn't have the back-to-school madness a lot of people dealt with (because we homeschool for the full year & don't take a summer break), we did have post surgery stuff for the spouse, birthday party prep for the kid, our trip to see the Perseids, and a corporate volunteer day that required more up-front work than one would have expected. Or at least more than I expected.

Anyway - because of all of that and the minor stuff that still manages to steal away time, there weren't as many posts as I'd like last month. Which I'm using as a (pretty weak) excuse to cheat again and feature T W O cats this month. Also, the shelter has been super full and with all of the kittens, it's easy for these older guys to get overlooked.

Without further ado, I present to you Dr. Mew & Felix Thunder Paws!


This handsome older fella has the best bedside manner you'll ever encounter. He enjoys the company of kids and other cats, so he would be a fantastic addition to a family.

UPDATE 11/16: DR. MEW HAS GONE HOME! He is in hospice foster with the family of one of our fantastic volunteers.

a collage of three images of a black cat walking on a counter and drinking from a sink

Dr. Mew loves to sit on laps and receive ear rubs and cuddles. He'll reward you with head bumps and lots of purrs. He really does have just the sweetest disposition and he's very laid back and easygoing. And since the doctor has an advanced degree in kitty companionship, he'll be happy to "help" you do the dishes...

Come by Great Plains SPCA in Independence, Missouri, and make an appointment with the doctor...okay, you don't really need an appointment, but he is tucked away in an office to give him roaming room, so you'll need to tell the folks at the desk you're there to see him.


If Dr. Mew isn't your style, Felix here may be more your speed. Honestly, I'm not sure we could have picked two more different cats to feature in a month.

UPDATE 9/8: Felix's adoption fee has been sponsored. Thanks, generous donor!


a collage of three images of a brown tabby cat in a wire frame kennel

Don't get me wrong, Felix will definitely accept ear rubs and head scratches, but he probably won't spend much time on your lap. This guy has a lot of energy and he loves to play with toys - any toys. He'll bat at a string toy, chase a ball - he's all about the game. 

Felix Thunder Paws is FIV positive, so he'll definitely need to be an indoor cat. He would probably enjoy a shelf by a window to watch the goings on outdoors, though. And you'll want to have a variety of toys available to keep him from getting bored.

The best way to Felix's heart is truly through his stomach. He will do just about anything for a treat or a bit of canned food. He's a super fun cat, and seriously, how can you say no to that face?!

Be a hero for these fellas: adopt! or donate! or share!

***While it's very exciting that almost all of our featured cats have been adopted, Jovi is still waiting. She's such an amazing cat, though, that her adoption fee has been sponsored!***