Friday, August 11, 2017

The difference a (foster) home makes: Rudolph

Little Rudolph goes back to the shelter today and then (fingers crossed) on to his forever home during the Mega Match event this weekend.

In the past month, he has gone from being a super scared baby (initially considered feral) who would hiss and growl at us to a typical rambunctious kitten.

a small orange tabby kitten with a scrape on his nose

An orange tabby kitten with large ears looking up from a food bowl
a hand petting an orange tabby kitten

Like most kittens, Rudolph refuses to sit still long enough to take a decent picture. So these are the best I got...though a video will be coming once I manage to get my computer put together.

He has gone from being super scared of most everything to eagerly exploring new things in his environment. In the last week or so, he started coming to the front of the enclosure when I come in to feed him. Before, he would run to the back and crouch behind the bed until I had the door open. Now he's right up there ready for pets and playtime.

Fostering is so crucial and there are many, many foster opportunities. Puppies and kittens, obviously, but also animals recovering from illness or injury, nursing mamas and litters, animals that just need a break from the shelter, and animals with terminal conditions that need hospice homes. Please, please consider opening your home to foster animals. Sure, it can be tough to let them go, but you can take pleasure in knowing that you gave them a loving home while you had them and that they are better off for it. And there are always animals needing fostering, so you'll never have an empty home.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Christmas in July

Miss Deana is currently at the shelter awaiting her spay surgery before she can be made available for adoption.

Enter Rudolph. (red nose, yeah?)

a photo of an orange tabby kitten

Thursday, July 6, 2017

July Shelter Cat of the Month

This little furball will win your heart


a gray and white kitten

I don't usually do kittens for CotM since they get adopted SUPER quickly, but she is our first foster kitten and our house is pretty much all Deana all the time, so...just this once...

Friday, June 23, 2017

And then there were 4(ish)

Cali's reaction to being an only cat made us hesitate to take in another foster.  After much consideration and some rearranging of the furniture, we were able to make a kitten space in the one room of the house Cali isn't super attached to (she's a little possessive...).

And so we are now a temporary home for Deana while she gets better and gains some weight.

She's a cute little snotbag.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June Shelter Cat of the Month

With a coat as white as snow and a heart as big as the world, he'll win you over in no time flat.



a white cat lying on his back

Friday, May 26, 2017

Monster Loves You

In addition to being our Cat of the Month for May, Big Boy was also our very first Lovable Monster.

a cross-eyed buff cat with large 'tomcat' jowls

These are cats whose adoption fees we are sponsoring in memory of our own adorable beastie, Mike Wazowski. As with our Boo Buddies in November, our May monsters are chosen because they somehow embody the spirit of the kitty we lost.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May Shelter Cat of the Month

He's 16 pounds of purrs and head bonks...

Big Boy


a large cream-colored cat lying on a dark blanket

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Only child

For the first time in her life, Cali is an only cat.

And she loves it.

a calico cat exposing her belly to the camera

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Saying Goodbye

We knew when we took PeeWee in that we wouldn't have him for long. There's that whole 'hospice' part of hospice fostering, yano?

an orange tabby cat wearing a bow tie

But we were lucky enough to have him in our lives for a little over a year. And we'll have him in our hearts forever.

Some mornings I would wake up with PeeWee purring against my back and Starbuck curled up behind my legs as the wind chimes gentled tinkled outside and, for a few moments, everything was right with the world.

I'm going to miss this sweet boy more than words can say. He deserved a long life with healthy sinuses and robust kidneys. We tried to give him the best life possible with the chronic sinusitis and CKD he was handed instead.

an orange tabby cat

Rest in peace, dear boy.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The mystery has been solved

It's been nearly ten years since Cosmo joined our family. Her previous family didn't know what kind of dog she was. Over the years, we have been asked many, many times and always answered with a shrug and a sheepish "we have no idea."

a brown dog with a colorful t-shirt rope

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Discount Chocolate Day!

One very lucky home was graced with the ultimate Valentine yesterday...

a fuzzy black cat lying on his back on a concrete floor

Congratulations to Eugene and his new family!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

This pup is too pooped to party


a brown dog sleeping on a blue and white dog bed

11 years old and still keeping up with her 3-year-old sister...when she's not recovering from knee surgery, that is.

We spent the day celebrating my mom's birthday out of town and this lucky pup got to go with us. She was all done in by the time we got home.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Food Fight

Cali is a fat cat. Pictures don't really do her justice.

a calico cat lying on her side next to a computer keyboard

There wasn't a lot we could do about it while we were trying to keep weight on Mike Wazowski without driving us all up a wall. Around the time Mike passed, we learned that PeeWee's kidney disease had progressed and he needed to start eating K/D food. Which is higher in calories. Which is exactly the opposite of what Cali needs.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Call me, maybe...

I'm not usually very thrilled when my phone rings. I just expect it to be bad news. Otherwise I'd just get a text, yeah?

Well, I was very happy to get the call when my phone rang a few minutes ago. Our 2016 Boo Buddy, Farley, was getting adopted! She said the family had just been holding and loving on him and he was going to a great home (of course!). Hooray!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Return of the Airplane Ear

Cosmo is finally e-collar free!

a brown dog looking at the camera

She got her stitches out yesterday. Doc said the incision healed very well and that everything inside the knee feels "wonderful." I like that word. Wonderful.

Oh, and we confirmed that the shaved patch on her back was for the epidural. Mystery solved!

a composite image of daily photos of the incision as it healed

Monday, January 2, 2017

January Shelter Cat of the Month

She's got the eye of the tiger...

Jilly Billy

UPDATE 1/6: Jilly Billy has been transferred to GPSPCA's Merriam campus. Come on, Kansas people - give this girl a home!